Monday, July 16, 2012

Favorite Baby {T}

I may be biased...but I adore this girl more than anything! You'll be seeing lots of her...

Braves Baby {M}

We did these pictures for Father's Day. Daddy is a big Braves Fan.

Blessing Pictures 

Sweet Baby {C}

Sweetest baby {C}. She is so darling!! She was awake pretty much the whole time with those big blue eyes. She is so darling.

{W} Family

Absoluetely LOVE this family. They are our good friends. You may recognize this sweet girl, I have taken many pictures of my sweet {Z}. Here are a few of their family pictures we took the other day. Also, pictures that I've taken when I have watched them for the day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Class of 2012

Friend {A} and Cousin {S} graduated this year. Love them both! Good luck in your college adventures!

Senior {A}

Senior {S}

{B} and {K} Wedding

Sorry this is so's almost their first anniversary...I just realized I never posted these. So excited for these two friends! They are perfect for each other! Love you guys! Enjoy.

Engagements - I love their craziness and having fun.


Wedding Day

Got to have a few crazy faces pictures...